Pic Measure

4.2 ( 9932 ratings )
Утилиты Производительность
Разработчик Rahul Mistry
0.99 USD

Get rid of long written explanations of your images via written media like e-mails. Now you can use this tool to edit your pictures and easily convey more.

Pic Measure is a handy and very useful tool to add measurements objects, area objects and their dimensions on your pictures.

It has a very simple and self-explanatory interface which enables you to focus more on your actual needs of adding measurements.

( Most useful to : architects, interior designers, civil engineers, carpenters, real estate agents and people in various construction works, creativity, crafting related works, etc. )


Measurement object features:
Add unlimited measurement objects on an image, like
- Lines,
- Line Segments,
- Headed Line Segments,
- Arrows
- Angles
- Elliptical/Circular Area
- Triangular Area
- Quadrilateral Area ( you can modify this to make it a square, rectangle, trapezoid, rhombus, parallelogram or any arbitrary shape as you require. )
- Callouts ( these are text boxes with arrow which can be used to point any area of interest on your image )

Text adding feature:
Add your own texts on the measurement objects. Measurements objects support unrestricted entry of characters which enables you to write any value, unit or text as you desire ( e.g. mm, cm, m, km, inch, feet, 12 mm, 45.30 meters, Kitchen Area, and lot more... )

Colors and Styles feature:
Apply different colors to measurement objects. Use the most suitable color that works in contrast with your background.

Choose from different line styles & sizes which enables you to further differentiate two same objects of same color.

Tag feature:
Add textual tags and audio tags on your image to further explain a specific area on image. The saved files can be exported and opened up by other app user to see the text tags and listen to audio tags.

Control Point feature:
Visible control points for easier and intuitive manipulation of objects.

Precision View feature:
A handy Precision View for locating the exact placement of measurement objects end or corner under your finger tip.

File Management feature:
- Save edited file which can be edited further again at anytime and re-used.
- Import images either directly from camera or from your photo gallery.
- Keep files organized in folder structure.

Export features:
- Export images in Zip file.
- Export images as a PDF file.
- Export images as a PNG image file.
- Export images to Photo Gallery.

Dropbox Integration:
Upload and download working files and folders from within the app for better flexibility and storage security.

If you have any suggestions or queries, send an email at [email protected]